To be out on a stage and performing can be a very scary thing. It doesn’t matter if you are the lead singer or playing an instrument you will still feel stage fright. Every night you go onto that stage you wont to be able to make a connection with the crowd, for some people it is a part of their personality and it is easy for them for others it is a skill that has to be learnt.
Be confident
An important part of being a performer is self-belief, if your inner voice puts you down too much it will be near impossible for you to not seem clumsy on stage. Even if you do not feel confident just keep repeating to yourself that you will do well, eventually even if you don’t realize it there will come a time where inside yourself you actually believe it. It is better to project confidence even if you are not confident.
Get help from people
Ask people who have experience being on stage, this can help you immensely. They may have exercises that they do before they go on stage that may help you and they will give you tips on how to act on stage and what to concentrate on.
Being a performer is all about connecting with people so look at the people in your life who easily connect with others, this person may give you tips on how to connect with others. They don’t necessarily have to be performers themselves if they have the ability to connect with people then they will be of great help to you.
Concentrate on your craft
If you are a singer or you play an instrument the best way to connect with an audience and perform well is to do your craft to the best of your ability. The best way to do this is to not get carried away or overwhelmed by the moment. Stick to the basics and do everything that you did in practice.
You must be able to hear what you play but also not damage your eardrums, so you can use Alpine MusicSafe Pro. They will reserve good music quality while also cancelling out harmful noises. They will not make you feel alone instead they will keep you aware of your surroundings. This will prevent you from having a ring in your ears and hearing loss.
Be prepared for the next show
When you are a performer you may be performing three to four nights a week so it is important after a concert to bring your adrenaline down and get to sleep. You may be sleeping with the rest of your band so you should get earplugs for sleeping, this will help you cut out external noise and get a good night’s rest. This will help you not be disturbed by people who snore but you can still hear loud noises like alarm clocks so you won’t over sleep.
The most important things for a performer to do is to be prepared and go out on that stage and enjoy themselves. If they do these two things everything will fall into place.